
The Tibetan Flag: Kaleidoscope of Resilience and Hope.

Ever since I was a kid, I was fascinated by the flags that fluttered from the back windows of cars. They seemed to whisper secrets of rebellion, freedom, and an elusive sense of coolness.I knew I wanted one. Fast forward a decade, and my curiosity still lingered. During a fleeting conversation with a friend, I […]

A letter to Indian Hoteliers.

To all my Hoteliers: Ambassadors of India’s hospitality, You play a vital role in welcoming and accommodating international visitors. Beyond the warm smiles and exemplary service, there’s a crucial behind-the-scenes task that ensures both legal compliance and guest satisfaction: the C-Form.  What is a C-form? Think of the C-Form as a guest registration card specifically […]

My First Homework as an Intern. 

26. 08.2024  It’s my first day of work at qid as a marketing intern. I knew the drill—or at least I thought I did. I entered the office precisely at 11:17 am, expecting a standard first day of quick pleasantries, a 10-minute orientation, and some dull Excel task.  My expectations were shaped by stories from […]

An Untold Story of Indian Hospitality. 

Imagine India, a nation that has revolutionized digital payments worldwide with its UPI system. A country where every citizen carries a refined biometric identity card, the Aadhaar. Yet, when it comes to welcoming foreign guests, the hospitality sector seems stuck in a bygone era. The absence of a seamless, integrated system to verify the identities […]

The Night My Identity Was Saved by a Stranger.

One summer night in 2021, I was sitting at Marine Drive with my friends, all of us laughing about how we were denied entry to a club and ended up at McDonald’s instead. It was my last night in Bombay before I was shifting to Delhi for my bachelors. We had planned for an extravaganza […]